New website

04 Nov 2021 - albert

So I decided to just use Jekyll for the new website. I find this to be much faster than just writing all the HTML and CSS stuff entirely from scratch, and having to copy a lot of that whenever I want to make a new page would be a waste of time.

Web design class in high school can only get you so far, but for the most part, you will just learn how to make basic pages with some basic styling. Maybe you will learn some JavaScript along the way, but that’s about it.

Originally, I wanted to use something like Angular or jQuery to handle the copying of certain things (navigation bar, page footer and others). Then I found out about Jekyll through trying to figure out how to add a page for the phone I have to the LineageOS wiki. “Might as well try to use this”, I thought. Just a very basic website would be enough.

That solves my copying problem. Hopefully, that means no more having to copy the code for the navigation bar when I want to make a new page, no more having to go through what might be 200+ pages just to make the same edit, and most importantly, I can avoid writing a script that would’ve done that for me anyway.